Thursday, September 10, 2015

That delusional night

That night they had a fight, an argument, a discussion, a disagreement. She loved him too much, or so she thought. He loved her too, but may be not as much as he loved his dad. May be a lifetime wasn't going to be enough, may be enough this wasn't going to be enough.

Displaced, she questioned herself, what was the purpose of life? Was she very different from the others? Or were the others too different from her? Why argue when there is so much love? May be there isn't enough love? What is the purpose of life? Being born as a human, meeting people, spending a lifetime with a certain someone? Weren't we born to anything different? To make meaning and find a purpose? May be we are a part of something bigger. And that our part is already planned. Do we chose only to follow what's written for us and never dare enough to use our free will? What if there was an adjustment bureau waiting for us, to find out how daring we are and that only to allow us to use that power to create our own free-will, if we would contest it enough. Could I be strong enough to contest it? Do I posses that power?

With all these thoughts in her head, she creeped out of his arms and got out of her bed to put on her black over-coat and opened the door. 'Where are you going at this hour? It's lonely and pitch dark outside.' He exclaimed.

I need to talk a walk with myself. I won't be long. I promise to be back  in ten minutes if you let me go alone.

Okay, if you must. He said, and turned his back around, pulling the blanket over his head, on his way to dreamworld.

She walked all alone, all the way till she reached the highway. She felt the cold fresh air gushing by, blowing silently through her hair. She took a deep breath, mustered all the courage and ran towards that bright pair of headlights coming her way. It was too sudden for the driver to apply the brakes. In a split second, she had left, on a journey. Forever. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A bottle of wings and other things

Who will brave us when they save us?
We have the beauty of the flowers in case everything else sours.
The cockroach would surely sing if it was made of other things.

In the room the women come and go, don't ask them why 'cause they don't know.
My love is like a redred rose that's drowned beneath the garden hose.
Things out of season in a garden become like reason and start to harden.
What is this life if full of care we have nothing to eat or wear.

A silverfish in a silver dish.
Behold the long and short of it--sometimes jasmines smell like shit.

For now the way is very clear for measuring the atmosphere.
Shells and ships travel in clips and crash against our fingertips.

When I die, don't bury me, just throw me in the sky and see if I can fly.

A poet is like a jar that has gone too far.
Honeybees are full of fleas.

What is it about the sun that makes it burn for everyone?
Beneath the yawning velvet bee the village smithy broke its knee.
Crumbly is as crumbly does to forget about what crumbly was.

The wake up call

To meditate, or levitate
Growth towards death
Life and its wreath
Pain and the painless
Heart and happiness
Weaklings or weak-links
Either ways it sways not any longer
I aim to be stronger, I am to be stronger.  

Life and everything else

Life's a mess, a little crass.
you could have been You, amongst the few.
You missed a chance, but that's my stance.
Now or never, a lifetime of favor.
Do or die, but never cry.

The heart's only hurt, from what looks like a small spurt.
This time, I let emotions flow for a little longer,
Only to awaken the mind and to make it stronger.
I slept through this season,
And learnt that everything happens for a reason.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Times come and gone,
Life's on and grown,
I could dream or i could grumble,
But life's been a huge mumble.

I wish and hope and pray,
for the best to happen!!  

Thursday, February 16, 2012

सोंच या सच ?

आज तो जंग छिड़ी थी,
 और जंग भी तोह ऐसी की
 ना कोई दुश्मन था, ना कोई साथी,
ना कोई सीमाए थी, ना कोई लकीरे,
पर जंग तो छिड़ी थी 
आग तो लगी थी 
पर ना कोई धुआ था, ना कुछ जल रहा था
पर वोह जलने वाली खुशबु , आज तक दिल में ताजा हें!
वोह रात थी या दिन था,
ना कोई जान पाया था, ना कोई जान पाएगा !
तीन कौने थे सिर्फ,
जो ना खली थे, ना भरने वाले थे!
सब कोई परेशान सा था, एक हलचल सी मची हुई थी,
ख़ुशी भी तो ऐसी थी, जो आंसुओ सी सहमी थी!
वोह कागज़ भी सिकुड़ कर सारी कहानी बयां कर गया,
हमने आज एक जंग छेदी थी, खयालों में उल्जा गई, बहुत कुछ कहे गई!
एक अध्रयाश्य सा महा मंथन था यह, 
हमने ही महसूस किया,
पर हम भी ना बयां कर पायें!!  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The changing cities

Changing cities,
livid life,
mysterious future,
stranger strangers,
first experiences,
Joys and sorrows,
Midnight rush,
Life in a capsule,
A tingle in heart,
Little joy...
Oh! little joy!